The southern gothic oracle as a southern folk witch is sooo powerful. Everyone I know comments on the depth. I’m tired of the “cutesy” oracles and tarot it’s fine for ppl that like that but it’s not me. I want her ancestral deck at some point. Every time I open that oracle I feel like I’m at home I can see sense, taste and breathe in the south. Being on the east coast right now it heals some of my homesickness. I love tarot and oracle equally and I honestly dislike using one without the other personally.

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I ❤️❤️❤️ that deck! I also enjoy combining systems.

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Jun 25Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

The Neopolitains are 13th century Italian playing cards and they don’t come with any “instructions”. My mentor Claudia Montecelli - who is Italian and resides in Italy - taught (and certified) me in both the Sibillas and the Neopolitains back in 2015. The Sibillas are much easier to read because they are quite “chatty” cards and can clarify a situation on multiple levels, whereas The Neopolitains are more straightforward and direct when they speak - they call a spade a spade and there is no mistaking the meaning of them.

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Thank you!

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I just looked them up. Weirdly, I think this is a deck someone gave me 30+ years ago but I didn't know what to do with it so I got rid of it. Thanks for the info!

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Jun 25Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

I prefer using a combination of tarot and oracle cards, which include clarifiers of La Vera Sibllia, Kippers and sometimes Lenormand.

I also like to use Neopolitain cards. I feel that you should use other (as many) methods to help drill down on specific issues and sometimes just straight tarot cards won’t do. But the Lenormands are what I call “snooty” oracles - they are decidedly French in nature and in my experience do not like to behave well with tarot cards. That’s just my experience with though. Another reader can get them to behave perfectly well with the tarot.😊

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I've never tried Sibillia or Kipper - and I've never heard of Neopolitain. Thanks for your input about systems - I love trying new things.

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Jun 25Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

Tarot is ‘my heart’, they are like my spiritual family. I love Lenormand which is like ‘my head’, more logical, real truth in the here and now.

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I get it. Tarot is my system, that's for sure. But if you watch Erika read Lenormand, she just might change your mind!!!

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Jun 25Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

I have and she’s definitely made a difference in my feelings towards Lenormand…. Her book did a number on me for sure.. <3

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Just out of curiosity - which deck did you toss?

I have often felt that way about Lenormands, even though Claudia taught me to read them *and* I have own several books on them. They simply do not resonate with me and have thought about chucking them into the trash thousands of times.

But somehow I’ve managed to hang on to my 3 Lenormand decks.

That’s too funny Nancy…I mean…what do you do when the deck just doesn’t speak to you (rhetorical question)? LOL

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I love love love the Southern Gothic and Botanical decks. Not to mention how much I love love love the Ancestral deck of yours. I often use the Gothic & Botanical decks together and have been playing around with adding the Ancestral deck to the mix as well.

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Tarot with oracle is number 1 for me, but I'm learning Lenormand. The WDA summit this weekend was terrific.

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I use tarot to outline fiction stories. They are great for revealing points of tension and conflict. I use Oracle cards as art inspiration when I’m feeling overwhelmed and can’t decide on a subject. I have Lenormand and Kipper…just haven’t decided how I want to use them but I’m sure it will be something creative.

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