Nancy, Thank you for sharing this, it does remind me of a practice I did years ago, I am reminded of how the messages can be given through intention and how the cards can support our fogginess!!

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Definitely true about the fogginess!

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Aug 13Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

Great article and I may try this method tonight. I also like the idea of using the Tarot to receive in the morning if you don't remember the visit. My first aware contact with Ancestral line came when I was writing the novel (became a trilogy) about a Druid Priestess in late 5th century Wales. Totally Muse-driven but I was not aware I had ancestral guides on this till they came in an intentional meditation to reach them (suggested by a psychic). I saw four...but mainly the two in front...and they gave me 5 days of information, including the fact that I had to visit Wales. I followed that advice and received a download that included her training. It's a fascinating thing to realized they are always there and we have them in our bones. I'd like to connect with them again about some aspects of promoting and energy for a prequel. Overcoming the 'stigma' attached to the pre-Christian ancestors is also very liberating.

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Hi Shellie, If you try this, please let me know how it goes. It may take time, but with your openness to the ancestors, perhaps not! What are the names of your books? And I love your story about the ancestral guides. Thank you for sharing this.

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Aug 13Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

Thank you! The books are in the Revealing the Druid Legacy series on Amazon. Book One, The Last Priestess, Book Two, Priestess of the Realms and Book Three, Priestess of the Prophecy. They are on Amazon. My Wednesday post introduces the book and I recorded part of Chapter One in Book One. I will definitely try this tonight and let you know if I have remembered in the morning and/or threw cards to see what message came!

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Just picked up book 1, looking forward to the read ❤️

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Thank you!

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Aug 14Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

I was not able to remember my dream so I pulled cards this morning. I got the 3 of cups, the page of wands and the reversed Star. I think I am being told to celebrate more, expect some good news and take a more optimistic viewpoint about things. I'm so glad you are reading the book and I look forward to hearing your experience with it. A YouTube interview is going live today and I'm excited about it. This interviewer was very tuned in and read all three. Blessings for your day!

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Love those 3 cards!

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I love this because of the writing aspect. I often write letters to my late husband and have dreams afterwards. ***

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That sounds so lovely, particularly the dreaming.

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I love the idea of using this method! I have only recently opened up to dream work (I used to be very closed off) and this seems like a beautiful method. I also love your Ofrenda Oracle deck!

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Thank you SO MUCH!

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Aug 13Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

I did this decades ago before my introduction of cards or the thoughts of ancestors, etc. I wrote a letter to God with my petition for help. I read it out loud and put it next to my bed. I didn’t know what else to do. The answers did come though at this moment I can’t recall the events that occurred.

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It's amazing the things we did years ago and for some reason don't do them anymore. I'm experiencing something similar. Interesting, something to think about that's for sure.

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