Sep 17Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

Hi Nancy, So I took out my Druidcraft tarot for this one. Looking through and chose the 10 of Pentacles for my ancestors. The other three contenders included the 10 of Cups, Empress, or 6 of Cups. I chose 10 of Pentacles because I come from a large family, in this deck we see an older man, heavy set, and younger family members are around him. Pentacles is earth, body, practical. The card normally would be about legacy as well. It feels fitting. Money and resources were understood by my family, emotional support not so much.

I asked what advice might they have regarding a business legal issue that I am facing. I pulled 4 of Swords on the right, and 3 of Wands on the left. In this deck, 4 of Swords shows an adult male looking very contemplatively while sitting on a moss covered tree throne of sorts. So, their advice is to reassess where I stand in this issue and organize my future plans around it. It acknowledges that I took a short break from it and rested but now I have to really assess my options and plans.

The outcome, if I do this, is the 3 of Wands, which tells me that my hard work will begin to bear fruit in writing and communication, and I will achieve my goals. It's a good time for long-term planning.

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Hi Christine, I love DruidCraft too, and can easily see what you chose the 10 of Pentacles. I think your interpretation is spot on - time to reassess and reflect. As Erika's Scale card would say, time for a cost-benefit analysis.

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Sep 18Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

I used the Shadowland Lenormand deck by Monica Bodirsky.

I used the Tree card for my ancestors.

Once shuffled, the card before the ancestors was the card Book. The card after the ancestors was the Mice card.

I asked what do I need to know for today,as I am attending a work function which is celebration of 50 years. All retirees and past employees are invited. I am attending for closure and to say my good byes to a few people, I didn’t get to when I left.

Instead of reading the cards as Lenormand, I took cards at face value. Monica’s art work really speaks for its self.

I really had a sense of, keep your cards close to your chest-you do not need to share the things that you know or what you are doing. It will leave the workers scrambling and nothing to chew on or gossip about.

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Hi Joe, I know that deck although I don't own it. (I think Erika has a copy). I couldn't agree more - this definitely isn't the time or place for oversharing. Just say your good-byes and close the door.

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Thank you Nancy for this post/spread. I used the Wandering Star Tarot deck and selected the two of cups for my ancestor card, my question was what to focus on in the coming weeks, and no surprise Temperance appeared on the left reminding me to find more balance, like not stay up so late (which I've been doing) and create better boundaries. Then on the right was the King of Cups .. as I saw this card I felt my fathers presence ...

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Hi Karen, I had to go look that deck up as it was unfamiliar to me. I love the colors! 2 of Cups is such a beautiful card and it honors the love of the ancestors for you. How amazing and touching that your father appeared. That had to have felt so beautiful.

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Sep 18Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

I used the Ancestral Magic Oracle. I chose Adventurer for a couple of reasons, first he looks like my departed Uncle and all the members of that family immigrated to the US when they were young and by themselves.

I drew Sea Witch and Elemental to my question what is the best way to deal with my family?

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Hi Cat, I love the Adventurer card! What interesting cards to draw. This is only my interpretation, but with both the Sea Witch and Elemental, I would be quite drawn to using Water in ritual - - even if it's saying a mantra while you're under the shower. Would love to hear your thoughts about this.

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Sep 17Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

I found this intriguing and I was curious to try it. Leo is on my 12th house and I wanted to reach a female ancestor that may have been my Muse for the novels. So I picked the Queen of Wands. I was very near the end of the deck when she appeared, right after the Wheel of Fortune right side up. And just after her was the Star, also right side up. I was asking about a new writing project and how I am approaching it and I felt she was telling me I was moving into a positive cycle and that if I continued the way I am going, I would feel success, balance and optimistic.

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Hi Shellie, What amazing cards to draw for a new project! The Queen of Wands always reminds me of my first tarot teacher - very ALIVE and full of energy! It definitely feel like the timing is perfect and the outcome will not only be successful, but it will inspire others in the things that decide to try.

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Thank you Nancy!

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Sep 17Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

I too chose the 10 of Pentacles as my ancestor card - using my pocket RWS deck. I chose this card as it represents legacy and financial stability. I'll keep my exact question to myself ;)

The Advice card was the 9 of Swords. I am obviously letting stress and anxiety adversely affect me, and I feel the message was to relax and acknowledge the love & support that I have in my life.

The Outcome card was the Knight of Pentacles. Long term abundance is in my future, I just need to be patient. Not my strong suit, as you are probably aware.

Thank you for this quick and easy spread!

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Author

Hi Julie, 10 of Pentacles is definitely an ancestor card! The 9 of Swords is telling you that concerns about financial stability are causing your stress, anxiety and worry. I love the Knight of Pentacles as he really is about slow but steady progress. I would suggest drawing one more card for right action at this time. I feel as though the 9 Swords gives you the overall, but you need a course of action that's clearer.

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