Jun 17Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

1.What is my potent magic at this solstice (2024)? 3 of Wands

2. What is my biggest challenge to stepping into my power? King of Swords

3. Exactly what magic did my ancestor practice? The Fool

4. How can my ancestor help in my practice? 4 of Swords

5. What magic is the solstice bringing into my life? The Star

6. How can I honor and thank this ancestor? Ace of Wands

Ancestor: The World

Rune: Mannaz

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Hi Wendi, Do you have a sense of what The Fool might represent as an ancestral form of magic? And I love the Star for the magic coming into your life at this time. The energy is high and should support your actions x100!

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Jun 18Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

When I use the Runic Tarot I pay close attention to the Gods depicted on the cards. Ymir is the primordial giant on the world card and his remains were used to create the world in the mythology. So it makes sense that the form of magic is The Fool a card of beginnings and a journey. This ancestor was probably where the magic originated and the best way for me to honor this originator of magic is to embrace this passion. This spark of interest I have in learning and practicing magic.

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Thank you….I will be so interested in your journey ❤️

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I'm loving this spread, Nancy! And it's right on time as I've been thinking about my late father A LOT lately. Here's my outcome:

Major Arcana: I shuffled until a Major popped out: The Hermit. My Daddy was very much a Hermit, so I immediately thought of him.

1. What is my potent magic at this solstice (2024)? Judgement (being called to do something new or uncomfortable)

2. What is my biggest challenge to stepping into my power? Wheel of Fortune (ups and downs of change)

3. Exactly what magic did my ancestor practice? 9 of Wands (boundaries)

4. How can my ancestor help in my practice? Queen of Cups (reminding me of the importance of self-care)

5. What magic is the solstice bringing into my life? Knight of Cups (people are following through with their promises)

6. How can I honor and thank this ancestor? (by exploring my favorite lessons of his from childhood and adapting them as an adult)

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Hi Mandy, As I asked Wendi - what do you think the 9 of Wands represents in terms of magic? Did they create magical boundaries? I also love that Queen and Knight of Cups - what a beautiful duo.

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The 9 of Wands reminds me of a protective spell. I can imagine the Wands erupting in a fiery fortress, protecting the person on the other side from what might harm him (again, given the bandage).

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