Aug 8Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

Okay so, to quickly progress up the ladder, you will need to properly assess the losses and opportunities, and describe how you will address each of those in turn. What's the strategy. You will want to pay particular attention to the opportunities, as you create a presentation to describe it to those important colleagues and managers who are responsible for implementing and/or approving the plan. They need some structure around the wins and losses so that they feel like they are all cohesive again. It strikes me that you will need to lead with some passion, and really inspire the change that you want to implement by bringing people together so they feel part of a more happy and well functioning group. (I don't want to say family here cause it's work related and that's overused to get employees to accept poor management behaviours without complaint.) Doing this will impress upper management and your rise up will be facilitated.

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I like it! You sound like someone used to dealing with corporate structure!

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Aug 11Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

I am. This is not much different than advice that I would give a client if they were seeing me about work related concerns. Management is often like the Swords court cards, so appeal that way, and they often look for Wands energy if in the private sector, looking to be inspired with persuasive arguments, that pull others along. In Myers Briggs language, private sector is made up of a lot of ENTPs, ESTJs, ENTJs, INTJs, and ISTJs. Notice there aren't any Feeling types listed. Thinking = swords LOL

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Aug 8Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

Even tho at first you may not know what’s what and feeling a bit lost, we’ve already found you a mentor to show you the ropes. You’ll soon feel like you fit in.

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I never thought of a mentor. Good one!

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Aug 10Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

Initially, you may find yourself grieving for your old, familiar job and things may not seem as wonderful as you had hoped. It's going to be unsettling, as 5 in general is a number of imbalance and feeling a bit out of step. Don't fret about this! Your most important action will be to make connections with coworkers and build a strong foundation based on shared vision and passions for the direction of the company. 4 being the number of stability and structure emphasizes the concept of developing a foundation. Teamwork is going to be essential. Once this is established, you will find that things will flow quite well and you will invite the abundance you are seeking. The 10 suggests both the end of one cycle and beginning of the next, with pentacles supporting financial security and gain. This is a promising indicator that you will be able to rise to the next level within the company as part of your next cycle. In summary: don't dwell on the past; and expect things to be a little rough initially. Don't let that deter you - start making connections and networking, and align yourself with people who have shared passions. This will lead you to the opportunities you are seeking. It's really important that you focus on being a team player in this position.

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Nice one Kat. I love how you pulled numerology into your interpretation. Also like the team player aspect.

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Aug 9Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

You may feel disappointed that things aren’t moving along as swiftly as you’d like. Don’t fret! Keeping a good attitude and establishing yourself as a stable and reliable part of the team will usher you towards your goals of success in a prosperous position.

PS: I ordered the MM version of this deck, and it will arrive this weekend! Cannot wait to couple it with your Ancestral Tarot book! ✨

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I like that you brought in the team aspect. It definitely looks like that's going to be a needed piece of success. And thank you ! - it pairs really well with Ancestral Tarot.

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Aug 12Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

Just wrote a similar take on these cards. I'd be happy if I got that message.

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Aug 12Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

First the client must stop focusing on all the disappointments and sense of lack in the past and put the focus on the potentials being handed to them. Then take action to cultivate helpful relationships with the staff and build on that. Follow that path and all will reach a state of abundance and wellbeing.

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Totally agree about building good relationships!

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Aug 10Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

Don't take anything said to or about you personally. No battles. Celebrate successes - your own and others. Be light, cheerful, fun to work with. Be legacy minded. Convey ideas for long term. Be the one who rallies the troops - foundation others can build on.

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Legacy-minded . . . that's so good. I like your take on doing things with the long term in mind.

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