It looks like a year of action, but leaping before you look could lead to worrisome consequences. Your best bet is to assess, analyze, and plan for the long haul. You'll reach your goals through patience and persistence.

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The energy needs redirecting to appreciate what you have verses what you worry that you don't. Stop watching the news, worrying about how time is running out or nothing is like it used to be, and find the good in your little corner of the world. This birthday can offer you more than you imagine if you stop overthinking and allow yourself some rest and play, even only as an observer. Give yourself a gift knowing you deserve it.

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Whatever their worst nightmares are - they'll be facing them. Their spirit allies of air and earth are surrounding them, therefore forming personal relationships with these special warriors will be pivotal for success through this journey. This is also true for the material, they'll need a trusted therapist and supportive community to go through the coming year.

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I don't know the spread design. When I do three card it's usually past, present, future. So that's how I will interpret this one. The past year has been one of active communications and expressing a point(s) of view. What hasn't worked has you worried and losing sleep. Try some natural ways to relieve the anxiety you hold now. And offer comes this year and it brings some material benefits. Get centered and grounded now and you will be more than ready for your work ahead.

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He's got a choice to make, and deciding what to do will be overwhelming and keep him up at night. Choice A: Charge full-force toward whatever's at the top of his mind demanding the most attention next year, or Choice B: Proceed slowly and carefully, making sure he's managing his means along the way.

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There was a general guideline I read when it came to Court cards, so I'll apply it here for practice: "If there are two or three court cards in your reading, then they are usually representing aspects (energies) of the situation."

"What the coming year holds for Client is this: at first glance there is going to be a balancing act between moving quickly vs moving meticulously. The 9 of Swords in the middle can say that you might have divided thoughts on situations that'll keep you up at night, wondering if the "right move" was made and what even that move is. "Did I say the right thing? Gods, why did I say that? Why did I do that? How do I deal with this? What do I do?"

What'll help with that is to trust in your intellect and mental capabilities for decisions, especially if they're concerning resources (pentacles). I would suggest that every night, repeat to yourself, "Today I did the very best that I could do, and that is enough as it is, and I am enough as it is."

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