
A good friend of mine DID take this path. She loved it, was successful at it, but became very invested in the financial gain more than anything else. So I’ll use her as the model for this reading!

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Sep 3Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

Some will think her foolhardy. She even wonders if she is. But it is a path which will be very successful for her. The danger is that this career is taxing on her body and dependent on the whim of clients to book appointments and have the disposable income to spend on her services. She will be at the mercy of that.

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Definitely taxing on the body.

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Sep 3Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

The massage school will be a brand new start for her and she will find much success and recognition in the field, but she will have to be aware of personal blocks or destructive habits that could slow down her progress. An example could be lack of self discipline or laziness to study, perhaps because of the shift from the corporate world back to academics. But this can be overcome with self awareness and she will be free to reach the potential that this new beginning promises her.

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Sep 3Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

I made that career decision when I was married to a chiropractic student. It was a totally new field for me so I see the Fool as being ready to embark on something new but not really knowing what will be required or what the career will be like. She will face far more competition than I did 3 decades ago...and she would have to find ways to succeed (more spas, more low price places like Massage Envy). The devil is the curious card...I see that as being bound to negative viewpoints and choices. But there is a path to success...there will just need to be a lot of self-examination of beliefs and motivations to see the direction. And to avoid pitfalls, like making massage appointments with unknown men through a hotel. And knowing how to stand up against other types of suggestive coercion.

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You definitely speak from experience! Great answer.

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Thanks Nancy...also matters how old you are when you start. I was 29 years in and in my mid 60-s when my body said it was time to stop. I began when I was 34. The younger, the longer your career may be.

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If she takes a leap of faith and goes to massage school, she can find success; however, there might be some, ahem, "services" asked of her which aren't aligned with her values, so setting boundaries is important.

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Based on conversations with my friend who did massage, you are 100% correct!

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Sep 4Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

Oh good Lort! She will be successful getting through school however she needs to be careful after, like while she's working as there could be a temptation that won't be worth it!

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Sep 3Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

She will have success in her new adventure attending school; however, she may miss the corporate income she has received and will have to watch her spending, vices, bad money habits.

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Definitely!!! She better be good at creating a budget!

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Sep 3Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

It feels crazy, but she will be successful. It's going to mean a lifestyle change and paradigm shift.

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A fools errand to some, but a new adventure starts. Remember the devil is in the detail, check finances carefully. A new business takes time to build up. Market yourself well, get the flags out, girl you can do it!

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Absolutely true.

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Sep 3Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

Ward up is my advice with this new path.

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Sep 3Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

They will be very successful on this new venture as long as they let go of the fear and insecurities.

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The Six of Wands is a distinctly double edged card - the General riding in triumph today is food for the crows tomorrow. The Devil follows this initial rejoicing with a hint of the same old grind, just different beans. I'd suggest the client asks a different question (because do you really need Tarot to know this answer?) - What do I have to do to truly thrive after graduating massage school?

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Sep 4Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

Hmm... She needs to know that this decision does have risk and will take many leaps of faith, trusting in Spirit and the wisdom she's collected thus far in her knapsack. She will be victorious in in this decision, overcoming any obstacles and being recognized for her efforts and certification.

Just be mindful against materialism and excess in greed ("The reason I want to go to massage school is because it'll pay the bills and give me lots of cash!" is rarely a good reason to invest in a path),

Or any sexual temptations (no giving happy endings, even for an extra-extra tip!)

Also, the "devil of doubt" may arise ("Are you sure you can do this? You can't even learn this basic step - plus, do you really think anyone's gonna want *you* touching them? Oh, please! Just give up already and find something safe to do.") -- what will help is to find as much laughter (The Fool) as possible, take the fears lightheartedly and soothe yourself, and know that you can be & will be victorious, so persevere (6W).

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Wow! You sound like someone speaking from experience (tarot or massage!) xo

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Sep 4Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

Thank you! Not a professional masseuse — just a woman who really loves Tarot. 🙇🏾‍♀️

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