Nancy, I have had several experiences, in Rajasthan in India, Istanbul in Turkey,and one in Ireland but an unusual repeat event in the Strand in London. I had an interest in ballroom dancing at one time, was wearing a Viennese ball gown as I was late, got out of a taxi to cross the road to the studio when a coach and horses came down the street amongst all the buses and taxis etc; stopped in front of me, and by that time the rest of the street seemed blurred of traffic. A gentleman, solid, tipped his tall hat and smiled at me. I felt I knew him in that moment and smiled back. He went up steps into a grand building that looked like a bank. I crossed the road and went into the dance studio, thinking it was a Dunhill coach or some advertising gimmick. Only later I realised the tall building was not there and no steps, only Chelsea Girl and Top Shop and various stores. I had a shock then and goosebumps. Later I forgot about the incident but about six months later heading to the dance studio again, I saw the coach and horses go past in the same area but it did not stop this time. The one thing I did notice was the silence and a feeling of temporary weightlessness in my body at both sightings. It was definitely a blip in time, although time seemed to merge so I was unaware of it being past or present until after I came out of the dance studio.

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Dwina, this is truly fascinating. I wonder if you were in an alternate universe or if you had stepped back in time. It’s fascinating too, that it happened to you twice, seeing the coach. After reading peoples comments, now, I wonder if these things happen to everyone or those of us who are tuned into our intuition. Thank you so much for your comment, how interesting and yet one more piece of of a very large puzzle.

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Love your experiences and idea of blips in time! I dream travel in multiverses and parallel lives--living different versions of me that I believe exist all that the same time. I've lived other lives and as an empath, get to know what they're experiencing by living their lives in my dreams. I'm very intrigued and look forward to hearing more!

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Janine, I so wish I could remember my dreams. The idea of dream travel absolutely fascinates me. ❤️

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I'd suggest starting with setting an intention to remember your dreams and perhaps keeping a journal and pen by your bedside to record any feelings, images, colors. Anything you remember. Once you start to record and make that intention, you'll be surprised at what you'll remember!

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Thank you!!! I will let you know how it goes ❤️

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

We have had a similar experience in a little churchyard in Hatchechubbee, Alabama. My husband's father and maternal side of the family is buried out there and the first and the second times we visited, his father's grave was under a big oak tree. The third time, no tree. He asked his mom about it and got the strangest look back - she said no, they hadn't moved the tree, or cut it down, there never had been a tree there.

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Again, there's simply no 'logical' explanation. My question, as always, is this: Do we see these things because we are intuitive or psychic???

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May 24Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

I believe the answer to your question is "yes," and I also believe all people are intuitive/psychic; it's simply a matter of whether or not they acknowledge it and/or put it into intentional practice.

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I couldn’t agree more

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

This reminds me of the movie I think it’s called Back in Time, where a man wants so badly to go back in time to be with the love of his “life”. But what life?

As you recently said connecting to our ancestors is all about intention. Recently, as I was standing in a place that called to me and feeling it is a liminal, sacred space, I could have gone deep and joined the ceremony that was taking place back in time. Could have I intended to step over that line and been there?

On another trip to Lahaina with my family, I suddenly felt we needed to turn around RIGHT NOW. We did and we were just fine, but 35 years later, I still remember.

And I still wonder about these things.

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By the way, that was a Jane Seymour and Christopher Reeved movie. I remember it well.

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Somewhere in Time ❤️

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I totally understand. This reminds me of a time one of my oldest friends told me about being out for a hike with her husband. As they were going down the trail, all of a sudden everything in front of her went black and she said turn around now we’re not going any further. It sounds very much like your experience.

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Somewhere in Time is the film.

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Absolutely fascinating! I sure am glad you had your "sixth sense" about you to NOT pass those perceived crossover points! Isn't it all so marvelous, though? I can't imagine having another Mandy out there living another entire life. If it's true, she needs to get over here to this one and help me clean this house and deal with these adult kids! 😅

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Actually I think we need to be aware of the energies around us! I think those blips are more common than we think. 🤔

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I think you're right, and that's both titillating and terrifying!

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Yes and yes!

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At least we not up to no good!

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Even more interesting was the fact I told my son about the coach and horses in the Strand and he looked for the building and found it. It was not a bank but a house owned by a famous political satirist artist. I saw his portraits at different ages in his life and one of them was the man who smiled and tipped his hat to me. The fact I was wearing a ball gown probably fitted the time. Even more curious is the fact the building is still supposed to exist!

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This event still intrigues me, as I know it does you as well. One of those absolute mysteries.

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May 24Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

Fascinating! I've experienced several "blips." The common thread between them was a sense of stepping into something other than what I was currently experiencing. And the stepping was so off-kilter with my current experience that I ended up on the ground, as though I'd tripped over something or had an extreme loss of depth perception.

They've all happened here in New Hampshire, which is interesting. That said, I remember very clearly standing at the edge of the Gettysburg battlefield back in the late 1980s and knowing that taking a step onto that field would be a very, very bad idea. (Particularly interesting given at that point I didn't realize I was intuitive/psychic.)

Since 2015, I've experienced a different sort of blip, most often within my own home. I'll be walking down the hall or across a section of floor and feel a shift that's so strong it makes me stop in my tracks. It's a cross between a sensation of walking into something and walking through something, and there's no consistency in the location; it's inexact. These newer blips feel as though they're not of Earth, which adds to the wildness. Fun topic! :-)

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Wild, Ellen!! I totally get it about Gettysburg as I've had that same experience twice. I knew one step further and I'd be in another time. That this happens inside your house is SO interesting. Just wondering if you've ever drawn cards or used a pendulum to talk to the spirits of the earth under your home??

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May 24Liked by Nancy Hendrickson

Aren’t the Jane Roberts books about the parallel universe? Very interesting!

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